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feel more motivated to do something in your daily life to improve your situation?
find it helpful to improve your mental health
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banner - The Latest Article!

The Latest Article!

What benefits does walking bring to our mental and physical health? Read "Walking: A Path to Better Well-Being" to learn more.
banner - New: Daily Self-care Series

New: Daily Self-care Series

4 mini-modules and exercises to support you in integrating self-care into daily life, one step at a time.
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Join Our Research!

We are inviting students to take part in a research study. Your participation is very important to us!
banner - Free 8-week Mindfulness Group

Free 8-week Mindfulness Group

Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World (8-week Course) - Online Information Session
banner - Mental Health Assessment

Mental Health Assessment

Assess your level of depression and anxiety in only 3 minutes. and check-in on your mental health regularly.
banner - Understand emotions | Do exercises

Understand emotions | Do exercises

Feeling down? Anxious and uneasy? Lonely or angry? Chat with our chatbot about your emotions and try out suggested exercises.
Maintaining mental health is like hitting the gym, persistence pays off.

How TourHeart+ Works

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Your data is kept confidential. We are transparent with our data security and usage practices.

Health assessment

Assess your mental health

Complete a screening for depression and anxiety, which has been developed and validated in scientific research.

Begin a Tour to our Heart

Enjoy the recommended contents offered based on assessment results. You may find features below...

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Feature 1 - chatbot


Explore your emotions and life challenges through conversations with your virtual companion, Boon.

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Feature 2 - courses

Psychological Self-help Courses & Coaching

For members with emotional distress, explore and understand your emotions through a vast array of texts, audios and videos with guidance of clinical psychologists and HeartGuide.

Feature 3 - exercises


Within chatbot dialogues and courses, there are over 100 exercises recommended to you to practice regularly.

Try our most practiced exercises!

Feature 4 - events


Augment your self-training with group practices and group therapies and online webinars held by clinical psychologists.

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Feature 5 - articles


Nourish your mind, deepen your understanding of psychology and well-being through theories and research.

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Feature 6 - somewhere we share

Somewhere We Share Forum

We believe, mental health is an everyday thing. Here is a space for you to share, listen, and discuss. Let's come in and share bits and pieces of your life. Download the app to enjoy this app exclusive feature!

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Let us walk with you through the peaks and valleys in building your mental muscles.

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anytime, anywhere

What others say…

I love this website, it has been truly helpful, very approachable and very supportive...







Ada Yuen










Miss Cheung



Practice self-care anytime,
anywhere with one app in hand!

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