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Group Cognitive Behavorial Therapy (Round 4)
28 Aug, 4, 18, 25 Sep (Sunday)|2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
5/F, WoFoo Commercial Building, 574-576 Nathan Road, Mong Kok
Target group:Members with moderate to severe emotional distress


This group therapy will help you recognize unhelpful thoughts and behaviour patterns, thereby guiding you to understand, get along with distressing emotions, and overcome vicious cycles. In addition to in-class teachings, the instructor has also prepared practical exercises for participants to consolidate their learning, and to facilitate application to day-to-day situations through practice, sharing, and reflection. 


  • Becoming aware of and improving the mental and physical vicious cycle  
  • Learning to get along with distressing emotions  
  • Progressively understanding and practicing different skills, such as relaxation exercise, cognitive restructuring, problem solving, etc 
  • Take-home practices 

Instructor profile

Ella Z. Tsang is a Clinical Psychologist who is also a Florist and a Japanese Preserved Floral Art Instructor. Ms. Tsang obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Criminology (Psychology) from the University of Hull and later obtained a Master of Art in Psychology and a Master of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She joined StoryTaler in 2021 and aspires to promote mental health and reduce psychiatric stigma. 

Feedback from previous participants

  • "Through listening to group members’ genuine sharing, I got some insights too."
  • "Changes the way I think and makes my life easier."
  • "Instructor is welcoming to answering questions, lessons are well-paced and guided clearly.''
  • "It's the first time I felt that behavioral therapy is practical."


*In case of financial difficulties, please email to enquire about a fee waiver. 
** Spaces are limited. If the number of registrants exceeds the quota, we will allocate spots by drawing lots, and will notify the results by email.

Sorry, the event quota is full / the deadline for registration has passed.

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Funded by
HKJC logo
Organized by
CUHK logo DWL logo
Co-organized by
StoryTaler logo

Application submitted!

Thank you! Your application is successful. Thank you for supporting the Jockey Club TourHeart+ Project!

If you are currently facing severe mental distress or in a crisis situation requiring immediate assistance, please click here to our "Need Help" page for a list of 24 hour mental assistance hotlines, or click here to open "Self-care Resource Kit" for temporary emotional relief.

Poon profile pic 阿本

