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Optimizing Sleep for the Workforce: Effective Techniques for Enhancing the Quality and Quantity of Your Sleep
30 May (Tuesday)|8:00pm – 9:00pm


Have you ever been through the struggle of not sleeping well? Sleep disorders exist among working adults in many different forms, such as difficulty falling asleep, lack of sleep, irregular sleep e.g., "revenge bedtime procrastination" or "bedtime procrastination".

Sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can significantly affect our physical and mental state and make us worry about our work performance. We may spend money in exchange for a good night's sleep, such as buying quality bedding, melatonin and other supplements; as well as paying for daytime wakefulness, such as having coffee and taking vitamin supplements. 

Many myths about sleep have arisen in society, including:

  • Taking a nap at lunchtime will make you more energetic
  • More sleep on vacation can make up for the sleep debt during weekdays
  • Taking sleeping pills and melatonin can make you sleep better
  • There are no ways to improve sleep besides taking medication

In this seminar, Dr. Rachel Ngan Yin Chan, a sleep expert, will share some common myths about sleep and practical tips for enhancing sleeping quality.

**The webinar will be held in Cantonese.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Rachel Ngan Yin Chan is a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She focuses on the treatment and prevention of sleep disorders, sleep and mental health of children and adolescents, and non-pharmacological treatments for insomnia.

Notes for Application:

1. Event registration closes at 23:59 on 29 May, 2023

2. After successful registration, we will send you an email with the Zoom event link.

3. Please submit only one registration form per person.

4. If the submitted form is incomplete, the application may not be processed.

5. Participants will be invited to fill in a post-event survey.

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Funded by
HKJC logo
Organized by
CUHK logo DWL logo
Co-organized by
StoryTaler logo

Application submitted!

Thank you! Your application is successful. A confirmation email containing the event details and Zoom link will be sent to your shortly. Thank you for supporting the Jockey Club TourHeart+ Project!

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