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2023 Reflection: Embracing oneself with compassion
30 October (Monday)|7:30pm – 9:30pm
Target group:Members with mild to moderate level of emotional distress


As we enter the final quarter of 2023, what would you say to yourself when reflecting on the past year? Do you often feel dissatisfied, thinking you haven't met your expectations? When we are accustomed to treating ourselves with harsh criticism, it's easy to feel increasingly discouraged, powerless, and worried.

In this two-hour workshop, our clinical psychologist, Ella, will guide us in reflecting on the past year and learning how to reconstruct our self-critical thoughts in order to foster self-compassion and understanding. Together we will also discover how to extract meaning from moments of perceived inadequacy and failures. This process will enable us to embrace our authentic selves, and view every experience as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.  

The event will be held in Cantonese. 


  • Thinking traps and vicious cycles of self-criticism 
  • Meaning of our "shortcomings and failures" 
  • Self-compassion practice

Instructor profile

Ella Z. Tsang is a Clinical Psychologist who is also a Florist and a Japanese Preserved Floral Art Instructor. Ms. Tsang obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Criminology (Psychology) from the University of Hull and later obtained a Master of Art in Psychology and a Master of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She joined StoryTaler in 2021 and aspires to promote mental health and reduce psychiatric stigma.


* In case of financial difficulties, please email to enquire about fee waiver.
** Quota is limited and spots will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis to applicants who have completed the application procedure with proof of payment.

Apply before: 22 October

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Funded by
HKJC logo
Organized by
CUHK logo DWL logo
Co-organized by
StoryTaler logo

Application submitted!

Thank you. Please pay the event fee within 3 days in order to complete your application. Payment methods are as follows (you will be receiving them via email as well):

By ATM, bank or internet transfer
Bank name: Hang Seng Bank
Bank code: 024
Account Number: 293-005005-001 (HKD)
Account Name: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

For verification purpose, please email your 1) payment proof, 2) name and email address used in application, and 3) name of event to after transfer of payment.

*We will not be able to confirm your payment if payment proof is not sent to us.

Application will be confirmed, and details of the event will be provided upon payment verification.

If payment is not made within 3 days, your place may be filled by another applicant. Thank you for your understanding.

If you are currently facing severe mental distress or in a crisis situation requiring immediate assistance, please click here to our "Need Help" page for a list of 24 hour mental assistance hotlines, or click here to open "Self-care Resource Kit" for temporary emotional relief.

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