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Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World (8-week Course) – Introductory Session
24 March (Monday)|8:00 – 9:30pm
Target group:JCTH+ members (Free registration) - Priority given to emerging adults aged 18-29


Mindfulness is our innate ability that allows us to focus on the present moment and be aware of both internal and external experiences. Through mindfulness practice, we can approach life with curiosity and compassion, enabling us to respond to our emotions with greater poise and wisdom.

Different research studies continue to show the benefits of mindfulness practice, e.g., improving sleep quality, enhancing focus and memory, relieving stress, depression, anxiety, physical pain, etc.

This course is a simplified version of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) developed by Mark Williams and Danny Penman of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. It was designed to be accessible for individuals with busy lifestyles. (Reference: 《Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World》) If you are interested in joining the 8-week course, you are required to first attend this introductory session. 

Content of the Intro Session:

  • Introduction to mindfulness and its benefits
  • Mindfulness practices
  • Overview of the 8-week course (content, format, time, location, fee, etc.)
  • Comparison between this course and other 8-week mindfulness programs
  • Course application details, including pre-requisite commitments for enrolling in the course

Details about the 8-week Course

Content: Through didactic presentations, discussions, formal and informal practices that easily fit into daily routines, you will learn stress management and self-regulation strategies, discover how to identify unhelpful thought and behavioral patterns, cultivate resilience and an accepting mindset, and develop mindful communication to build engaged relationships.

Target group: JCTH+ members (Free registration) - Priority given to emerging adults aged 18-29


8 weekly sessions: 21/4 – 16/6 (Every Monday except 5/5) 19:30 – 21:00

Half-day Retreat: 8/6 (Sat) 09:30– 13:00

Fee: Free of charge


CUHK CMRT Thomas Jing Centre, 1701, 17/F, Far East Consortium Building, 121 Des Voeux Road, Central(May be held online depending on COVID prevention measures)

Language of delivery: Cantonese

Quota: 16


* A certificate of completion will be awarded to those who attend 6 or more weekly sessions along with the full-day retreat. 

Instructor profile

Dr. Connie Ho has been practicing mindfulness since 2012. She has completed the Foundational Training in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy by the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre & HK Center for Mindfulness (Module 1-4), and the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Foundations and Teacher Advance Intensive Training by Brown Mindfulness Center, Advanced Teacher Training in Mindful Parenting, and Teach Paws b Teacher Training. She has delivered many 8-week MBCT and MBSR courses as well as mindfulness workshops to the community in the past. She also takes part in university research on the benefits of mindfulness on well-being.

Connie is also a clinical psychologist who has strong faith in the life transformational power that is hidden inside every single individual---everyone is the expert of his/ her own life. Through mindfulness practice, we can be more aware of the connection between ourselves and the universe, cultivating a compassionate and wholesome mind to live with the constant uncertainties in this changing world.

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Funded by
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Co-organized by
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