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Breaking the cycle of exhausted parenting - Self-Care for parents
April 21, 2023 (Friday)|7:45pm - 9:15pm


As a parent, have you ever lost control of your emotions when taking care of your child and harshly scold them; feeling guilty and regret afterwards, but the same situation happens over and over again?

Children are priceless gifts to parents, but they can also trigger parents’ emotions oftentimes. If parents are unaware of their own emotions and those of their children, behavioral responses may intensify.

Mr. Stanley Chan, an educational psychologist and mindfulness instructor, will share with you how to raise your emotional awareness, to take care of yourself and calm your emotions through mindfulness practice. By practicing mindfulness on a regular basis, you will be able to regulate your emotions more comfortably with your cherished ones.

**The webinar will be held in Cantonese.

About the Speaker: 

Stanley Chan, an educational psychologist and mindfulness instructor. He worked in mainstream schools, special schools, organizations providing rehabilitation services for pre-school children, and psychiatric rehabilitation services for adults.

Notes for Application:

1. Event registration closes at 23:59 on April 20, 2023.

2. After successful registration, we will send you an email with the Zoom event link.

3. Please submit only one registration form per person.

4. If the submitted form is incomplete, the application may not be processed.

5. Participants will be invited to fill in a post-event survey.

Sorry, the event quota is full / the deadline for registration has passed.

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Funded by
HKJC logo
Organized by
CUHK logo DWL logo
Co-organized by
StoryTaler logo

Application submitted!

Thank you! Your application is successful. A confirmation email containing the event details and Zoom link will be sent to your shortly. Thank you for supporting the Jockey Club TourHeart+ Project!

If you are currently facing severe mental distress or in a crisis situation requiring immediate assistance, please click here to our "Need Help" page for a list of 24 hour mental assistance hotlines, or click here to open "Self-care Resource Kit" for temporary emotional relief.

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