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Facing Death: A Lesson Essential for All?
14 November (Tuesday)|7:30pm – 9:00pm


We all recognize that death is an inevitable and unpredictable aspect of existence. However, despite this knowledge, we often hold onto fears and anxieties surrounding death. We resist its arrival, desiring more time, a less painful passage, or some semblance of influence. Yet, the more we dwell on these fears, the more we overlook the fundamental truth that we cannot ultimately control or shape the timing or circumstances of our own mortality.

While we cannot control death, we can develop the ability to confront it. In addition to the fear of our own mortality, there are times when we face the painful loss of a loved one due to illness or accidents. How can we navigate the grief that accompanies such a loss and prioritize our own well-being during this challenging time?

In this webinar, we invited Arnold Leung as our speaker, who brings extensive expertise in hospice care, grief counseling, and life and death education spanning 16 years. With his valuable experience, Arnold will share practical insights on how to prepare for death, navigate the grieving process, and lead a fulfilling life that minimizes regrets.

The proximity of death to our lives is often closer than we realize. Rather than avoiding it, the most effective approach to confronting death is by engaging in active listening, open conversations, and deep contemplation while we still possess the gift of life's breath.


Arnold Leung is a registered social worker in Hong Kong, a Fellow in Thanatology of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Advanced Certified Hospice & Palliative Social Worker, president of Society for Life and Death Education, and a columnist for Ming Pao and Herald UK. Over the years, he has served more than 800 bereaved families and terminally ill patients, and has conducted more than 700 life and death education talks and professional training for various organizations.

**The webinar will be held in Cantonese.

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Funded by
HKJC logo
Organized by
CUHK logo DWL logo
Co-organized by
StoryTaler logo

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