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【Review】How In-Depth Tour Of Our Community Nurtures Our Mental Health
26 September (Tuesday)|7:30pm – 8:30pm


In recent times, the urban landscape has captured the interest of many Hong Kongers. People have diverse ways of connecting with the city, such as taking part in local guided tours, strolling through its streets, documenting the city's old shops, and more. These activities shed light on the changes, history, architecture, nature, and culture of the local community, bringing them to the attention of the public. Some scholars have coined the term "Topophilia" to describe the deep connection felt by those who embrace urban spaces—a sense of cultural identity and a passion for the place. What do we gain from venturing out and exploring our cities? How can we cultivate a more conscious and thoughtful lifestyle by understanding our own city? Can our observations contribute to the betterment of our cities?

In this webinar, we have the privilege of hosting Paul Chan, the co-founder of Walk in Hong Kong, an organization that specializes in curating immersive cultural tours. Join us as Paul shares his insights on the transformative power of exploring local communities and how it can enrich our lives. Discover the profound connections we can forge with a place, delve into the essence of the city, and engage in meaningful reflections on societal development.


Paul Chan Chi Yuen, the co-founder and CEO of the cultural enterprise "Walk In Hong Kong," is dedicated to fostering in-depth cultural tours and promoting sustainable tourism in Hong Kong. His efforts also extend to conservation campaigns, notably advocating for the preservation of the State Theatre in North Point and the former Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir. With a background as a former academic and financier, Paul possesses a deep passion for exploring the world and has already ventured to nearly ninety countries.

**The webinar held in Cantonese.

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Funded by
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Organized by
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Co-organized by
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