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TourHeart Mindfulness Group Practice (April): Daily Mindful Eating
2 April (Wednesday)|8:00 – 9:30pm
Target group:TourHeart+ members who are interested in taking care of themselves through mindfulness practices. (free registration)


It's time for the seasonal change again! Did you pay attention to your diet over the past winter, or did you just eat without much thought, and now regret it?

Mindful eating allows us to learn how to fully savor our food, and also helps us choose a diet that is suitable for ourselves. The monthly mindfulness sharing session provides a platform for you to explore, practice, and share your mindfulness experiences. Whether you are new to mindfulness or a self-learner, this sharing group offers a supportive space for you to dive deeper into the power of mindfulness.

This sharing session will be led by registered social worker and mindfulness instructor Molly. Together, we will focus on exploring and practicing mindful eating, and address any questions or difficulties we encounter in our practice.

You are invited to prepare some water and light snacks to experience mindful eating, and learn to make each bite a practice of self-care. (If you plan to have your dinner before the session, please don't eat too much; if you want to have your dinner during the session, please prepare a light meal.)

The event will be held in Cantonese. 


  • Introduction to mindful eating and practices 
  • Q&A

Instructor Profile

Molly Chan is a registered social worker who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Hong Kong and a Master’s degree in Family Counseling and Family Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Molly is the Service Director of Hospice and Bereavement Services at the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, where she focuses on promoting community palliative services, life-and-death education, and well-being. 

Molly is a mindfulness instructor who has completed a one-year foundational course in teaching mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, co-organized by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre in the UK and the Hong Kong Mindfulness Centre. She is also a qualified teacher in mindful eating awareness training. Additionally, she has completed 200-hour Yin-Yang Vinyasa yoga teacher training and certification in teaching Zentangle. Over the years, she has actively promoted mindfulness in the community, cultivating awareness of self-care and building an interactive, caring community through understanding and practicing mindfulness. 

In 2024, Molly was awarded the 33rd Outstanding Social Worker Award, honoring her skills and contributions to the field of social work.

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Funded by
HKJC logo
Organized by
CUHK logo DWL logo
Co-organized by
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