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TourHeart Mindfulness Group Practice (March)
10 March (Monday)|8:00 – 9:30pm
Target group:TourHeart+ members who are interested in taking care of themselves through mindfulness practices. (free registration)


Different research studies continue to show the benefits of continuous mindfulness practice, e.g., improve sleep quality, enhance focus and memory, relieve stress, depression, anxiety, and physical pain, etc.

Come join our recurring TourHeart Mindfulness Group practices, where you can explore, practice, and share your experiences and questions about mindfulness practice with our instructor and other participants. Whether you are new to mindfulness or taking our online or offline mindfulness courses, this community provides a supportive space for you to deepen your experience of the power of mindfulness. This coming group will be led by our clinical psychologist and mindfulness instructor, Connie, who will guide various practices and answer your questions.

The event will be held in Cantonese. 


  • Different mindfulness practices (including mindful stretching, mindful walking, sitting meditation and blessings.)
  • Q&A

Instructor Profile

Dr. Connie Ho has been practicing mindfulness since 2012. She has completed the Foundational Training in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy by the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre & HK Center for Mindfulness (Module 1-4), and the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Foundations and Teacher Advance Intensive Training by Brown Mindfulness Center, Advanced Teacher Training in Mindful Parenting, and Teach Paws b Teacher Training. She has delivered many 8-week MBCT and MBSR courses as well as mindfulness workshops to the community in the past. She also takes part in university research on the benefits of mindfulness on well-being.

Connie is also a clinical psychologist who has strong faith in the life transformational power that is hidden inside every single individual---everyone is the expert of his/ her own life. Through mindfulness practice, we can be more aware of the connection between ourselves and the universe, cultivating a compassionate and wholesome mind to live with the constant uncertainties in this changing world. 

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Funded by
HKJC logo
Organized by
CUHK logo DWL logo
Co-organized by
StoryTaler logo

Application submitted!

Thank you! Your application is successful. A confirmation email containing the event details and Zoom link will be sent to your shortly. Thank you for supporting the Jockey Club TourHeart+ Project!

If you are currently facing severe mental distress or in a crisis situation requiring immediate assistance, please click here to our "Need Help" page for a list of 24 hour mental assistance hotlines, or click here to open "Self-care Resource Kit" for temporary emotional relief.

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