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TourHeart Mindfulness Group Practice: Starting the New Year from Within
2 January (Tuesday)|8:00 – 9:30pm
Target group:Anyone interested in taking care of themselves through mindfulness practices


The new year is approaching, and it is a great time for us to pause, focus on the present moment, nurture ourselves, and set the stage for 2024. 

In this group practice, our clinical psychologist and mindfulness instructor, Amanda, will share various mindfulness exercises to guide us back to the present moment, connect with our inner needs, and cultivate a mindful heart to navigate through the different transitions we may be facing in the new year. The group is open to anyone interested in practicing mindfulness for self-care or who encounters difficulties practicing mindfulness. 

This event will be conducted in Cantonese.


  • Different mindfulness practices (including sitting meditations, mindful stretching etc) 
  • Sharing and Q&A

Instructor profile

Amanda has been practicing mindfulness since 2014, and has completed teacher trainings at the Oxford Mindfulness Centre for Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (Level 1- 4), and the Mindfulness Center at Brown for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Level 1 Foundation Training), advanced teacher training of Mindful Parenting, and .b foundation. She is also a certified teacher of Mindfulness-based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT). Amanda is also active in research on mindfulness, including development of ambassador programs and a local mindfulness mobile app called “newlife.330”.

Through mindfulness, Amanda is learning to live in the present moment with clarity and allow life to unfold naturally. Mindfulness guides her to see the interconnectedness between her and the society, and to respond with love and wisdom.

Register before: 1 Jan 2024

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Funded by
HKJC logo
Organized by
CUHK logo DWL logo
Co-organized by
StoryTaler logo

Application submitted!

Thank you! Your application is successful. A confirmation email containing the event details and Zoom link will be sent to your shortly. Thank you for supporting the Jockey Club TourHeart+ Project!

If you are currently facing severe mental distress or in a crisis situation requiring immediate assistance, please click here to our "Need Help" page for a list of 24 hour mental assistance hotlines, or click here to open "Self-care Resource Kit" for temporary emotional relief.

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